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Advocating for Veterans and Families

Our Founder's Journey of Inspiration and Commitment

The inception of Sword of Change Inc finds its roots in the deeply personal narrative of Montez Alford, whose life has been intricately woven with the threads of her family's military legacy. Growing up as the daughter of a decorated Vietnam Veteran, recipient of the prestigious Purple Heart, and the great-niece of a Korean War Veteran, Montez's formative years were profoundly influenced by the indelible marks of their service. Additionally, the stories of her grandfather's sacrifices during World War I resonated deeply further fueling her reverence for the noble calling of service to one's nation.

For Montez, witnessing firsthand the unique challenges faced by military families, particularly in the realms of PTSD and suicide risk, became more than a mere observation—it became a call to action. Driven by a relentless commitment to honor the sacrifices of those who serve and their families, Montez embarked on a quest to establish Sword of Change Inc. Her vision was clear: to create an organization dedicated to providing comprehensive support services, rooted in empathy, understanding, and a profound appreciation for the lived experiences of veterans and their loved ones.

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